Best Friend of the Trip
Nobody would object
That is... the stainless steel mug, electric spoon and the instant noodles. Unforetunately, we didn't have a single picture taken while cooking or eating.
Everyday, Ming and me took turn to wake up first and shower. Usually before shower, I would start boiling the water. By the time I was done, I got to eat.
Then, we would go for the morning cafe opposit to our hotel. Tallet, Tellat, Tallat or whatever... No matter what I called it, I was wrong. Anyways, we got what we wanted. After a doze of caffine, we were all set for the adventure.

Remark: "you drink café con leche (or café amb llet in Catalan). At other times and after meals, you drink café solo (simply un café in Catalan), which is an espresso, or un cortado (un tallat), an espresso 'cut' with a dash of milk. Café double, a double shot of café solo, is a fearsome caffeine hit, but be careful when you order it - if the waiter sees that you are foreign they might bring you a café Americano, a solo with water. Ask for a café solo corto or muy corto - a solo with less water - if you want to take caffeine to extremes. The muy corto is just one small gulp of coffee at the bottom of a cup." sourced from
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